Monday, April 21, 2008

New Deathcab

If you aren't excited for the new Deathcab album then I don't think you are human. "Plans" was only mediocre compared to "Transatlantacism" and "The Photo Album," and that was one good album. I have been listening to the single off the album on loop on my iPod and CD player. It is simple, gorgeous, and long. First listen it feels ot long but with each listener there after it gets better and a little more haunting.

Check out the Video. It is 8 Minutes and 30 seconds. Not a short video, but well worth it.

1 comment:

Peter Rizzo said...

As an early Death Cab basher from their days as "that band from the O.C" i'll admit this video does a lot to clear up my previous predjudices. I've never been a big fan but will admit a soft spot for "Soul Meets Body." I like how the opening groove gets very claustrophobic, and its pretty ballsy to put out an eight minute single. So perhaps I will check their new album out.