Friday, April 25, 2008

Phil Collins Quits Music; Truth or Cruel Joke

After all the years and insults, Phil Collins has finally dropped out of music completely or so is reporting today. Or so he says, time will tell if he will guest star on club anthems and then immediately drop a new album a la Jay-Z.

So whats the big deal? Well there isn't really one. Asides from the fact that for sheer comic glee, the gods of this cosmos decided to make hating on Phil Collins funny. However, as fun as it is to hate on Collins, the former lead singer of prog-rockers Genesis and the writer of the Tarzan theme song, he is still responsible for "Coming in the Air Tonight" and you really can't not like that song.

Time will tell if next week South Park will pick up this as they have always been on of the leaders of the charge against Collins. He appeared in the episode where Timmy & The Lords of the Underwold made their first appearance. The episode also featured the kids all getting perscribed Ritalin and thus duped into thinking that Phil Collins is cool. I for one hope they do Collins some epic justice as he has long been one of their favorite whipping boys.

For a link to the story click here:

In the Air Tonight Video:

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